We’ve provided answers to some common questions below. If you still aren’t sure, please contact us by telephone or email for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions About 619 Kitchen Rental
What if something breaks?
A $500 security deposit is required for all clients using 619 Kitchen Rental. We take responsibility for repairs, unless you misappropriately used the equipment. Please notify our staff immediately if something is not working. Also, if you anticipate a problem with some aspect of the kitchen, we apprepate your notifying us an practicing preventative maintenance.
What is the maximum rental contract length
Our kitchen allows for pre-rentals up to 365 days. If you would like to rent more permanent space, please contact us for more information. We are committed to serving this community with affordable kitchen space.
Can I tour the kitchen facility?
619 Kitchen Rental operates 24/7 and the kitchen is regularly booked. We respect working chefs and the Health Department guidelines are strictly adhered to. That said, we can arrange a tour. Contact us by telephone or email to set up a private meeting to tour the kitchen, and to discuss your individual needs including shipping and loading.
Can I receive deliveries?
Yes, however, please schedule your deliveries during your rental period at the kitchen. If you are not present, we may charge to store your deliveries for you.
How many other chefs share the same kitchen?
The kitchen is for your exclusive use during your rental period. Feel free to bring your own staff, up to a maximum of fifteen people (with Food Handlers Cards).
Do I need a Food Handler's Card?
Yes, everyone is required to have a valid card, including all staff who use the kitchen. The California Food Handlers Card is required for all persons who handle food commercially in California. Food Handler Cards required at 619 Kitchen Rental must be issued by an ANSI-approved training provider and valid in San Diego County.
Can I rent 619 Kitchen Full Time?
Renting the kitchen full time is possible if the slots are not booked on the “Book Now” calendar. Please click “Book Now” and follow the prompts to determine availability. 619 Kitchen Rental is for rent on demand by the hour. Depending on demand, we also offer exclusive month-term rentals. Contact us for availability.
For catering is it possible to rent 619 Kitchen on-demand?
Yes, very likely there will be space on the calendar. Due to our kitchen’s 6,000 square foot size, we can usually accommodate up to two groups at one time. We provide space to small businesses in the food industry that need part-time kitchen space. Most of our clients schedule regular working hours. Please check the calendar for space availability.
Will I have any storage space?
Yes and no. While storage is limited, all clients with sixty (60) or more hours per month receive free on-going dry storage and refrigerated space for storage during the term of their rental. For clients who rent 619 Kitchen for less than sixty (60) hours per month, we charge five dollars ($5) per day for overnight storage of items during your rental term.
Can I have my product picked up by Fed/Ex or UPS?
Yes, arranging for pickup via Fed/Ex or UPS is easily conducted from the kitchen. There are two loading areas.
Can I use 619 Kitchen Rental's address as my business address?
No, we accommodate too many chefs in San Diego County for it to be possible. However, long term rental clients have this option.
Do I bring my own equipment?
We do provide some basic kitchen items. Please plan to bring any specialized equipment required for your business. Please contact us for a tour of the kitchen to get a clearer idea.
Who Cleans Up??
Clients are required to leave the kitchen spotless after they finish their rental time. This means cleaning the floors, sinks, work tables, stoves, and the dishwasher area. Please leave the kitchen clean. We clean the common areas, the bathrooms, and the hallways. There is a supply of commercial cleaning equipment, mops and materials at 619 Kitchen Rental for clients to use.
How do I sell my products at the Farmer’s Market?
We work with the Farmer’s Markets in San Diego County extensively. Please contact us for direction in selling your products at Farmer’s Markets. We will refer you to the proper managers. We can write a letter for you at that time to notify them that you are working in our licensed kitchen..